PARENT EMAILS (In Case You Missed It)
Email #1
You (or someone who you signed up with this email) are going to Summer Camp 2024 with Redeemer Student Ministry!! We are so excited for all that is going to happen, we’re packing your bus bags, putting together the final details for games, picking up your camp booklets with the devotionals in them and generally freaking out that camp is finally here!!!
You’ll be receiving a few emails, with the 7 days (wow) leading up to camp. You’ll find helpful reminders & information you may be looking for. Here’s a few things for you today!
1. How To Prepare Your Heart For Camp
Pastor Brock gave a great challenge to our church this past Sunday as we were concluding our time in Romans 9. He challenged us to read one of the Gospels, and that would be a great place to start preparing your heart to hear what we plan to study during our time at Camp. So you get to pick! Open up to Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John, and read it before Camp, asking yourself the question, “what does this teach me about Jesus?”
2. Finalized Cabin Placement, Team Color, and Chosen Activity
Want to see where you’ll be and which team you’ll play for? Forgot what you signed up for? See that here!
(email for access, not posted on public webpage)
3. Packing & FAQ
A *preliminary* look at the weather in Lake Ann, MI says we will likely have days in the 70’s and nights in the 50’s (any metric users convert that to your heart’s content). Please pack accordingly! I’ll send a reminder and update as we get closer, but this is a good point to direct you to our FAQ page that answers a LOT of questions and gives some packing suggestions!
bonus packing suggestion: keep your bible, pen & notebook in your backpack to go on the bus with you! you’ll need it!
4. Extra Merch Orders
We’ve had a few people ask about ordering merch since we needed to close it early this year. In order to get camp merch in time, we need to place the order early, but this year we’ll try something in addition. We are opening up a secondary camp merch order that we will place after camp (in case anyone comes home and wants something they thought they didn’t want to start with). You can find that here:
5. More Details To Come!!
We will have a detailed check in process (that made things run super smoothly last year), Q&A about meds, the Red Canoe, emergency contact info & more! Keep an eye out for the following emails this week! AND AND AND make sure you look out for emails asking for your liability waivers before we start calling you!
Friends, You are dearly LOVED!
Jake & RSM Team
Email #2
Hey Camp Friends!
If you know someone who isn’t getting these emails we include them on the camp webpage so no one misses them! We’re still on the same weather plan (one rainy day, most days 70’s, most nights 50’s) GORGEOUS WEATHER!!
We’re including a few reminders and info in this email, on Monday you’ll receive specific instructions for checking in on Tuesday Morning (please arrive by 7am for check in for camp!).
We have 5 specific rules for camp that are simple, but important. Here’s the exact copy we put in the booklet every student and leader gets!
Rules… even the word is kinda… ew… but we have just 5 rules (hopefully you can count that high) that we keep to make camp fun for everyone. Instead of calling them rules, they might be better described as “5 Things We Do To Make Camp AMAZING.” But just so we’re clear, they are rules, and they could also be described as “5 Ways To Avoid Being Sent Home.” (#awwkward) Here they are!
Honor The Lord (1 Corinthians 10:31)
Obey Your Leaders, Lake Ann Camp, & The Schedule (Romans 13:1)
Respect Each Other (Philippians 2:3-4)
No Purple-ing (no guys in girl cabins, no girls in guy cabins, PDA, etc.) (Romans 12:10)
No Stuff We Said “No” To (electronics, weapons, drugs, pranks, etc.) (1 Corinthians 13:11)
Hopefully you can count to 5 and can follow these 5 simple rules that will make this week at camp AMAZING for you and those around you! We are excited to be at camp with you!!
Lake Ann Camp has a fun sweet & merch store (their own merch, not ours) called the Red Canoe. The store will be open during the week, for students & leaders, only accepting cash. You do NOT need to buy something at the Red Canoe in order to experience all of camp - there's PLENTY of other fun things and sweets that are part of the experience! Sweet Items cost $2-5, Lake Ann Camp Merch costs $20-50 for reference.
Finally - Reminder of Links & Details
Someone Missing Emails? Give Them This Link To See ALL CAMP EMAILS -
Looking For Packing Info, FAQ’s & Other Details? Go To This Page -
Want To Know What Team You’re On? Your Bus Or Cabin? Find That Here - (email me - we won’t post this on a public page -
Students, Leaders, Parents, Guardians,
You Are Loved!
Jake & RSM Team
Email #3
These are the last little details you need to be able to have a great camp!
We also made a video to show you how we do our check in/out process (check out is tentatively planned for a bus arrival back at Redeemer on Saturday at 7pm).
All meds going to camp must be placed in a gallon ziplock bag with the students name on it, any prescription medications must have the original bottle, any instructions written on a note placed in the bag. We will collect meds at check in, and they will be available to students at each meal time and before bedtime from our camp doctor. This is a Michigan State Law on how medicine is to be administered in a camp setting. We will have an extra sticker to place on your ziplock bag.
Jake van Gilse 630-272-7598
Tami Clark - 317-690-5416
That’s IT! Other than the reminders we’ve sent already and the reminder of weather (days in the 70s, evenings in the 50s) we are READY FOR YOU!!!
You Are Loved!
Jake & RSM Team
ps. want a sneak peak of camp worship?? here's a link to the worship playlist: